Understanding Asexuality: What Turns Asexual People On

Curious about what really gets asexual individuals in the mood? We spoke to 13 people about their unique turn-ons and the results might surprise you. From emotional connections to physical sensations, the spectrum of asexual arousal is as diverse as any other. So if you're ready to broaden your understanding of human sexuality, dive into these eye-opening insights at SexyLinx and prepare to see arousal in a whole new light.

Asexuality is a sexual orientation that refers to individuals who do not experience sexual attraction or have a lack of interest in sexual activity. While asexual people may not experience sexual attraction in the same way that others do, it is important to understand that they can still experience other types of attraction and have their own unique ways of being turned on.

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In this article, we will hear from 13 asexual individuals who will share what things can turn them on. By gaining insight into the experiences of asexual people, we can challenge misconceptions and foster a better understanding of their desires and preferences.

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Emotional Connection and Intimacy

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For many asexual individuals, emotional connection and intimacy play a significant role in what can turn them on. This may involve feeling understood, supported, and valued by their partner. As one asexual person shared, "Feeling emotionally connected to someone and being able to share intimate moments together is what turns me on."

Sensual Touch and Physical Affection

Physical touch and affection can also be a source of arousal for asexual people. This may include gentle caresses, cuddling, or holding hands. As one asexual individual explained, "I may not experience sexual attraction, but I still enjoy physical affection and the feeling of being close to someone I care about."

Sensory Stimulation

Sensory stimulation, such as experiencing pleasant scents, tastes, or textures, can also be a turn-on for asexual individuals. This may involve enjoying the aroma of a favorite perfume, savoring a delicious meal, or feeling the softness of a cozy blanket. As one asexual person described, "Engaging my senses in enjoyable experiences can be a source of pleasure for me."

Romantic Gestures and Thoughtful Acts

Romantic gestures and thoughtful acts can evoke feelings of affection and arousal for asexual individuals. This may include receiving love letters, surprise gifts, or thoughtful gestures that demonstrate care and consideration. As one asexual individual shared, "Feeling appreciated and cherished through romantic gestures can definitely turn me on."

Intellectual Stimulation and Connection

For some asexual individuals, intellectual stimulation and deep conversations can be a source of arousal. This may involve engaging in meaningful discussions, sharing ideas and opinions, and feeling intellectually connected to their partner. As one asexual person explained, "Having deep, thought-provoking conversations with someone who understands and respects me can be incredibly stimulating."

Embracing Non-Sexual Forms of Intimacy

It is important to recognize that asexual people can still desire and enjoy intimacy in non-sexual forms. This may involve cuddling, kissing, and engaging in romantic activities that do not necessarily lead to sexual activity. By embracing non-sexual forms of intimacy, asexual individuals can experience connection and arousal in ways that align with their orientation.

Respecting Boundaries and Communication

Respecting boundaries and open communication are crucial in understanding what can turn asexual individuals on. By actively listening to their preferences and needs, as well as communicating openly about desires and boundaries, asexual people can feel respected and understood in their relationships.

Understanding Asexuality in Dating

In the realm of dating and relationships, understanding the unique desires and turn-ons of asexual individuals is essential. By acknowledging and respecting their preferences, partners can create a more inclusive and fulfilling experience for both parties. It is important to approach relationships with empathy, communication, and a willingness to learn and understand each other's needs.

Challenging Misconceptions and Stereotypes

In our society, asexual individuals often face misconceptions and stereotypes that invalidate their experiences and desires. By amplifying the voices of asexual people and challenging misconceptions, we can create a more inclusive and accepting environment for everyone to express their unique desires and preferences.


In conclusion, asexual people can experience arousal and intimacy in a variety of ways that may differ from the experiences of non-asexual individuals. By listening to the perspectives of asexual individuals and understanding what can turn them on, we can foster a more inclusive and respectful approach to dating and relationships. It is important to embrace the diverse ways in which people experience attraction and intimacy, and to create a space where everyone feels valued and understood.